水稲の高温登熟障害抑制のためのかけ流し灌漑による水田水温、葉温、地温、群落内気温低下 (農業農村工学会要旨)

農業農村工学会全国大会講演要旨集 pp., 2013

発表番号 [3-23]

Decrease in water,rice,soil,air temperature under continuous irrigation with running cool water for preventing high temperature damage to rice grain ripening.

Uo Takuya [Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences,The University of Tokyo]
Nishida Kazuhiro [Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences,The University of Tokyo]
Yoshida Shuichiro [Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences,The University of Tokyo]
Tsukaguchi Tadashi [Faculty of Bioresources and Environmental Sciences,Ishikawa Prefectural University ]


○宇尾卓也 [東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科]
西田和弘 [東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科]
吉田修一郎 [東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科]
塚口直史 [石川県立大学]


Keyword: 高温登熟障害, かけ流し灌漑, 水田の熱収支
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