Evolution of irrigated agriculture and its prospects in Myanmar (農業農村工学会要旨)

農業農村工学会全国大会講演要旨集 pp., 2013

発表番号 [企-4-5]

Evolution of irrigated agriculture and its prospects in Myanmar

Hatcho Nobumasa [Faculty of Agriculture, Kink Universiy]
Matsuno Yutaka [Faculty of Agriculture, Kink Universiy]
Maung Maung Naing [Min. of Agri. & Irrig., Myanmar]

Evolution of irrigated agriculture and its prospects in Myanmar

○Hatcho Nobumasa [Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki University]
Matsuno Yutaka [Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki University]
Maung Maung Naing [Irrigation Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, Myanmar]


Keyword: 水田灌漑, 用水管理, 灌漑施設
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