Effect of Soil Freeze-Thaw on Soil Microbial Community

Yosuke YANAI, Koki TOYOTA, Masanori OKAZAKI (TUAT-BASE, 2002)


     Seasonal soil freeze-thaw has occurred in not only cold climatic areas but also in temperate areas. We can see soil freeze-thaw from late autumn to early spring in some regions in Japan. Since soil freeze-thaw means phase transition of water held in soil aggregates, the studies on freeze-thaw phenomena in soil have been conducted from physical approaches. Also, the visible effects of soil freeze-thaw on our lives, such as frost heaving and damage to buildings or road foundations, have received much attention. However, few attention have been paid to soil microbial community associated with soil freeze-thaw, due to a lack of the observation of soil microbial community within it.

     In recent years, nitrous oxide emission from thawed soils has been reported in Europe and North America. Although chemodenitrification of soil was recognized as a reason of nitrous oxide burst from thawed soil, main reason is soil microbial activity in frozen and then thawed soil, which was shown by Rover et al. in 1998. However, the reason why such phenomena have been reported may be regarded nitrous oxide as greenhouse gas and also ozone layer disruption gas. Thus, the notices of these observations were related with behavior of nitrous oxide, not soil microbial community.

     Soil microbial community is the transformer and/or reservoir of nutrient to the plants, furthermore, contributor of global nutrient cycle. It is required that soil microbial community would have the resilience both qualitatively and quantitatively in some extent, to keep soil healthy. Therefore, this study focused on the behavior of soil microbial community in frozen and then thawed soil. The results of this should give an insight into microbial community dynamics under subzero temperature in soils.

     Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of soil freeze-thaw on soil microbial community both qualitatively and quantitatively by conducting laboratory experiment. Fresh soil samples taken from surface of arable land were treated 4 times of temperature cycles (at |13 for 11 hours and at 4 for 1 hour) using a freezer. Unfrozen control samples were kept at 4 for 48 hours. After these treatments, determinations of soil microbial community were conducted. Quantitatively, the soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC) and nitrogen (SMBN) were determined by chloroform fumigation and extraction method, and number of autotrophic nitrifers (ammonium oxidizing bacteria and nitrite oxidizing bacteria) were counted by the most probable number method. In addition, as qualitative (functional) aspects, 31 kinds of sole-carbon sourcesf utilization were determined using Biolog Eco Plate (Biolog Inc.). Moreover, nitrification and carbon dioxide emission from soil, as potential ammonium oxidation by flask incubation and as the amount of organic matter decomposition in soil by vial incubation, were determined, respectively.

     11.3% of SMBC and 17.8% of SMBN decreased due to soil freeze-thaw. This result suggested small portions of total soil microbes suffer lethal effect from soil freeze-thaw. Biolog Eco Plate showed the change of sole-carbon sourcesf utilization pattern, decrease of average utilization of each sole-carbon substrate, and/or decrease of calculated Shanon Hf as estimation of metabolic diversity, caused by soil freeze-thaw. This result suggested heterotrophic bacteria would be damaged by soil freeze-thaw. On the other hand, the number of autotrophic nitrifers did not decrease significantly. Also, soil freeze-thaw did neither inhibit nor promote on nitrification. These results suggested autotrophic nitrifers would have high tolerance to soil freeze-thaw. However, carbon dioxide emission rate from soil increased significantly at 1 day (62.7%) and 3 days (34.5%) after soil thawing. This result suggested that components of killed microbial cells by soil freeze-thaw act as substrates to surviving microbes after soil freeze-thaw, and then these substrates should be metabolized quickly.

     In conclusion, small lethal effect to soil microbes induced by soil freeze-thaw would exhibit some kinds of selectivity. These disrupt effects would be related to soil physical and chemical properties, dominant species of soil microbes, and their habitat at soil microsites, such as sorbed on soil matrix or liberated in soil solution. Thus, comparisons of effects on soil microbial community at variety of soil types, such as based on land use and with or without soil freeze-thaw history in natural condition, under a certain soil freeze-thaw regimen may need. By doing this, we could get some information on the selectivity of disrupt effects to soil microbial community by soil freeze-thaw and link to evaluate the soil quality (resistance and resilience of soils) from those information. Furthermore, there may be possibility to predict the dynamics of soil microbial community at the time when soil freeze-thaw history would change due to the global climatic changes in the future.