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- 溝口勝・中野政詩・白井清恒:不飽和土の凍結における水分・溶質・温度分布の変化,農業土木学会論文集,122,pp.11-17 (1986)
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- 溝口勝,増田順:多体問題としてみた吸着水の内部圧分布,農業土木学会論文集,167, pp.47-53(1993)
- 奥田知晴,柴田亨,亀岡孝治,溝口勝:凝固点降下法による糖水溶液の水分活量係数の測定,三重大学生物資源学部紀要,11, pp. 167-176(1993)
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- 渡辺晋生・溝口 勝・石崎武志:凍結過程における土の凍結面近傍の微視的構造についての実験研究,農業土木学会論文集,191, pp.53-58(1997)
- 武藤由子・渡辺晋生・石崎武志・溝口 勝:ガラスビーズ中におけるアイスレンズ形成過程の顕微鏡観察,農業土木学会論文集,pp. 293-299(1998)
- Yoshiko MUTO, Kunio WATANABE, Takeshi ISHIZAKI, Masaru MIZOGUCHI:Miroscopic observation of Ice lensing and frost heave in glass beads, Proceedings of the 7th International Permafrost Conference, pp.783-788, Yellowknife, Canada, (1998)
- 渡辺晋生・武藤由子・溝口 勝:ガラス紛粒体中の層状氷生成モデル,雪氷,pp.207-214(1999)
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- 溝口 勝・石田智之:土粒子表面と水の相互作用,農業土木学会誌,pp.1233-1239(1999)
- 渡辺晋生・溝口 勝・清澤秀樹・兒玉裕二:シベリアティクシ近郊のツンドラにおける活動層土壌の層位と物理的性質,水文・水資源学会誌,Vol. 13(1), pp.9-16(2000)
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- Watanabe K, Mizoguchi M: Ice configuration near a growing ice lens in a freezing porous medium consisting of micro glass particles, J CRYST GROWTH 213: (1-2) 135-140(2000)
- M. Mizoguchi and K. Noborio : Cyber Soil Center for Predicting Soil Water and Nutrients Movements in Agricultural Fields, Proceedings of the Xiv Memorial CIGR World Congress, pp.1755-1758(2000)
- K. Watanabe, Y. Muto and M. Mizoguchi: A model for the formation of ice lenses in an unconfined, water-saturated, porous medium consisting of spherical particles, Ground Freezing 2000 ed. J-F Thimus, pp. 55-60 (2000)
- 武藤由子・渡辺晋生・石崎武志・溝口勝: ガラス多孔質体中のアイスレンズの観察-アイスレンズの成長と含水比について-, 雪氷, 63巻1号, pp. 3-9 (2001)
- M. Mizoguchi: Viscous fingering of solution in bentonite slurries, Clay Science for Engineering, Balkema, pp.285-289(2001)
- Kunio Watanabe, Yoshiko Muto, and Masaru Mizoguchi: Water and Solute Distributions near an Ice Lens in a Glass-Powder Medium Saturated with Sodium Chloride Solution under Unidirectional Freezing, CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, VOL. 1, NO. 3, 207-211 (2001)
- 溝口勝・登尾浩助:低温・低圧・微重力条件下の多孔質体中における水の移動現象,Space Utilization Research 17, pp. 116-118 (2001)
- Masaru Mizoguchi, Nobuhiko Kondo, Hisanori Tanaka, Hideki Kiyosawa: Soil Physical Properties in Soil Profiles of Active Layer in Alas, Eastern Siberia, Activity Report of Game-Siberia 2000, GAME Publication No.22, pp.111-122(2001)
- H.Tanaka, M.Mizoguchi, N.Kondo, H.Kiyosawa, R.V.Desyatkin, Y.Ishi and H.Yabuki: Spatial distribution of Topsoil Characteristics and Active Layer in Alas ,Eastern Siberia, Activity Report of Game-Siberia 2000, GAME Publication No.22, pp.123-126(2001)
- Hideki Kiyosawa, Nakako Kobayashi, Hisanori Tanaka, Masaru Mizoguchi and Nobuhiko Kondo: Thermal Properties and Hydraulic Properties of Active Layer in Alas, Eastern Siberia, Activity Report of Game-Siberia 2000, GAME Publication No.22, pp.127-130(2001)