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  1. M. Mizoguchi, J. Masuda and Y. Hattori: Experimental study on water transport in soils under temperature gradients, Trans. of 14 th International Congress of Soil Science, Vol.1, 268-269, Kyoto, Japan (1990)
  2. M.Mizoguchi: Salt and water redistribution in freezing unsaturated soil, Agronomy Abstracts, 226, Denver, Colrado, USA (1991)
  3. M.Mizoguchi: Analysis of salt and water movement in freezing unsaturated soil, Agronomy Abstracts, 226, Denver, Colrado, USA (1991)
  4. M.Mizoguchi: Spectroscopic property of frozen clay-water system, Agronomy Abstracts, 223, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA (1992)
  5. M.Mizoguchi: Measurement of unfrozen water content in frozen clay-water systems, Agronomy Abstracts, 223, Cincinnati, Ohaio, USA (1993)
  6. M. Mizoguchi and H. Suzuki: Physical characteristics of porous bio-module baked from industrial waste soil, Trans. of the 1994 Mie International Forum and Symposium, mie academic press, 453-457, Tsu, Mie, Japan (1994)
  7. M. Mizoguchi and K. Watanabe: A study on behavior of unfrozen interlayer water in clay by MD method, Agronomy Abstracts, 248, Seattle, Washington, USA (1994)
  8. M. Mizoguchi and T. Shibata: Effect of Ammonium Sulfate Concentration on Hydraulic Conductivity of Sedimented Na-Clay, Agronomy Abstracts, 207, St. Louis, Missouri, USA (1995)
  9. M. Mizoguchi T. Ito and K. Matsukawa: Movement of Water and Ions in Frozen Clay by Electro-Osmosis, Agronomy Abstracts, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA (1996)
  10. M. Mizoguchi: Development of internet tools for calculation and prediction of soil hydraulic properties, Poster presentation at the International Workshop: Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media, Riverside, California October 22-24(1997)
  11. M. Mizoguchi and J. Nishizawa: Viscous Fingering of Solution in Clay Slurries, Agronomy Abstracts, 170, Anaheim, CA, USA (1997)
  12. K. Watanabe, M. Mizoguchi, N. Sato and Y. Kodama: Classification of Active Layer Soil along a Line in Siberian Wetland, Proceedings of 3rd International Science Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle, pp.300-301(1999)
  13. H. Kiyosawa and M. Mizoguchi: Soil temperature analysis of active layer in Siberian tundra, Proceedings of 3rd International Science Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle, pp.262-263(1999)
  14. M. Mizoguchi, K. Watanabe, K. Fukumura and H. Kiyosawa: Spatial distribution of active layer on a hillslope in Siberian tundra, Proceedings of 3rd International Science Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle, pp.302-303(1999)
  15. M. Mizoguchi: Pore ice crystallization in glass beads, Agronomy Abstracts, 182, Salt Lake City, SL, USA (1999)
  16. T. Ishizaki, M. Mizoguchi, J. Simunek and M. T. Van Genuchten: Use of Advanced Numerical Techniques to Evaluate the Water Regime to of Historical Brick Monuments, Agronomy Abstracts, 175, Salt Lake City, SL, USA (1999)
  17. M. Mizoguchi and N. Kondo: Thermmographical observation of infiltration into unsaturaetd frozen soil containing macropre, Agronomy Abstracts, 219, Minneapolis, MN, USA (2000)
  18. K. Kosugi, M. Mizoguchi: Academic Family Tree and Database of Soil Physicista in Japan, Agronomy Abstracts, 219, Minneapolis, MN, USA (2000)

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